Dear Developer,

After eight incredible years of crafting and evolving NiM, I come bearing an important update. As the sole developer behind this passion project, I've poured countless hours into refining NiM to enhance your Node developer experience. However, to sustain its growth and ensure its continuous improvement, I've made the decision to transition NiM to a subscription-based model with the migration to Google's Manifest V3.

🛠 What Does This Mean for You?

NiM will remain fully open-source, affirming my commitment to open-source development. The transition to a subscription model is not about restricting access but rather ensuring the longevity of NiM while fostering a fair distribution of resources. It enables me to dedicate more time and resources to its maintenance and enhancement, ensuring that those who can afford to contribute, particularly corporations and individuals working for large companies, do so. That said, it's my true hope that those who truly can't afford $5/mo continue using NiM and I would love to extend free subscriptions to those individuals (reach out). This model embodies the principle of shared wealth of resources, allowing for sustained development and improvement of NiM for all users.

💖 Your Support Matters More Than Ever

As a solo developer, NiM has been a labor of love for me over the past eight years. Every line of code, every improvement, and every bug fix has been meticulously crafted to serve you better. Your decision to subscribe directly supports me, enabling me to continue pouring my passion into NiM and ensuring it remains a top-notch tool in your developement arsenal.

🚀 Ready to Subscribe?

Not yet? No worries, I hope you still enjoy using NiM in your Javascript development workflow. If you share NiM that will certainly help as well!

If yes, simply click the link above to start your subscription.

Please Note: This message will continue to appear until you subscribe. Your support not only enhances your browsing experience but also ensures the sustainability of NiM and the continuous development efforts behind it.

Thank you for your continued support, understanding, and dedication to NiM.

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